This municipality near Utrecht is looking for a psychologist who can provide culturally sensitive psychological care to (young) adults in our reception locations for Ukrainian refugees. You play an essential role in improving the mental well-being of residents who are in a challenging and uncertain situation. In collaboration with location management and other caregivers, you identify residents who would benefit from your guidance and conduct conversations to support them. For complex care questions, you refer them to specialized help.
Ця громада в провінції Утрехт шукає психолога, який може надати культурно чутливу психологічну допомогу (молодим) дорослим у наших притулках для українських вимушених переселенців. Ви відіграєте важливу роль у поліпшенні психічного благополуччя мешканців, які перебувають у складній та невизначеній ситуації. У співпраці з управлінням локації та іншими працівниками соціальної допомоги ви ідентифікуєте мешканців, які можуть отримати користь від вашої підтримки, і проводите бесіди, щоб їх підтримати. У разі складних запитів на допомогу ви направляєте їх до спеціалізованої допомоги.
The following requirements have been established for this position:
Self-employed professionals are also invited to apply.
This municipality has been accommodating refugees in two special reception locations since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. In these former office buildings, around 900 people reside, of which 770 are adults, including a significant number of young adults without parents. They provide support and activities to improve the quality of life for residents and also facilitate online psychological care. This municipality aims to create a safe and supportive environment for all residents.
Matchpartner has been operating for twenty years as a nationally recognized quality agency in labor mediation, particularly in the care and welfare sector. In recent years, we have invested significantly in the recruitment of permanent staff for our clients, focusing on recruitment and selection. Additionally, we provide secondment services and mediate freelancers.
Our team of professionals has developed extensive expertise in labor market communication, where visibility and recognition in social media networks are integral components.
As a result of this approach, Matchpartner has built a strong brand reputation as a quality agency in labor mediation. Through thorough market engagement and a personalized approach, we are able to select top professionals for the right clients.
Bedrijfsnaam: Matchpartner
Contactpersoon: Aron Verhaar
Adres: Boerhaavelaan 4
Postcode/plaats: 2334EN LEIDEN
Telefoon: +31658977298