
Enza Zaden
Internship - Breeding for Intercropping
 2021-2026 Vitalis Biologische Zaden in collaboration with Wageningen University & ResearchIntercropping is a way of practicing agriculture that was already used in ancient times. Contrary to large monocultures, intercropping systems incorporate growing two or more crops alongside each other. According to past studies the main reasons to use intercropping systems is because it can increase productivity, results in less soil depletion because of better use of available resources, reduction in damage by pests and socio-economic advantages such as yield stability and nutritional value of vegetables. Another benefit of cultivating more than one crop in a field is the increase in biodiversity, which is worldwide decreasing at an alarming pace.For years, plant breeders have been on working on developing crop varieties that are suitable for sole cropping. But with the rise of different ways of farming such as intercropping there is a need to study if these varieties are also suitable for intercropping systems. This study will help close the information gap by conducting a strip cropping trial of six crops: pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill), leek (Allium porrum L.), cauliflower (Brassica oleracea convar. botrytis var. botrytis) and grass clover mixtures, and additionally using three different varieties of each crop under organic conditions.The main objective of this study is to get more data on the aboveground effects of strip cropping different varieties of pumpkin, lettuce, fennel, leek, cauliflower and grass clover mixtures on crop performance, under organic conditions. In additions, another objective is to get an insight in the belowground interactions which are going on between the different crops. This will be determined by studying differences in performance of the crops due to their direct neighbours and differences between the selected varieties of the crops, if present in combinations with their neighbours. This to identify unique traits in all crops which are correlated to a good performance in diverse systems like strip cropping. The outcome of this projects could be used by breeders to help them making new selections for varieties that are most suitable for strip cropping systems. Vitalis Biological Seeds, part of the Enza Zaden family, is a leading global organic brand that provides 100% organic seeds for vegetables and herbs to the professional organic market. As the organic brand of Enza Zaden, Vitalis benefits from extensive breeding programs for over 30 crops. Our Expertise Centre, located in Voorst (Gelderland), has been fully dedicated to organic research and development for three decades, focusing on trials under organic conditions, seed production research, and innovative organic farming methods. This centre’s mission is to lead in organic and technological advancements and to share knowledge to promote the well-being of both people and the planet.Summary main objectives
  • Gaining insight in the above- and belowground performance of specific crop-crop and cultivar-cultivar combination based on both yield and quality traits as well as possible positive interactions to control pests and diseases.
  • Identify unique traits per crop, important for good performance in strip cropping systems.
Learning outcomes internship
  • Learning to plan and execute an open field crop trial.
  • Gain practical experience in the organic cultivation of different open field crops.
  • Get an insight in specific breeding objectives for different crops.
  • Specialise yourself in plant-plant interaction on different levels (Field, crop and variety) and gain skills and experience in data analysis.
  • Opportunities to get in contact/learn from different Breeders/Researchers within Vitalis/Enza organisation.
Core activities internship1. Research proposal & prepare field trial (4-6 weeks).2. Execution trail and data collection (16-18 weeks).3. Data analysis/ writing report (4-6 weeks)4. Supporting with other activities concerning various screening/breeding trials throughout the seasonPractical information projectPeriod: June – November (6 months)Hours: Fulltime 38 hours/week p.p.Location: Vitalis Biologische Zaden, Hengelderweg 6, 7383 RG VoorstContact: Aron Ortega – E: M: +31 611218158